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About the Group.

Welcome to 1st Merrow Scout Group's website.

We are a large Scout group situated in Merrow which is in the Guildford East District of Surrey

We encompass a large age range which meet in the following sections:

Beavers: 6 - 8 years (3 Colonies, Wednesday 6-7pm & Thursday 4-5pm and 6-7pm)
Cubs: 8 - 10½ years (4 Packs, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings)
Scouts: 10½ - 14 years (4 Troops, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, and Saturday once a month all day)
Explorers: 14 -18 years (1 Unit, split over Monday and Wednesday evenings)

Please click on any of the sections for more information including meeting times and contact details.

All our leaders and helpers are volunteers, we have a long waiting list and would love to open more sections but cannot do so without more volunteers!

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